
A Red Dot for a Hunting Rifle

In the last few years many hunters have begun incorporating former combat rifle features into their hunting gear. For example, modern sporting rifles have become popular for their low recoil and fast followups. Picatinny rails are commonplace and rifles like the Sig Sauer Cross feature pistol grips. One potential cross over that isn’t as commonplace […]


Remington 870 – The Revolutionary Scattergun

Life is full of questions. Is the .223 ethical for deer hunting? Does pineapple belong on pizza? Which is better, the Remington 870 or the Mossberg 500? While ultimately matters of preference, today we examine the Remington 870 to help clarify which shotgun is best for which users.    History The Remington 870 is an incredibly […]


Mossberg 500 – From Swamps to Battlefields

If you could only have one gun, what would it be? A 12 gauge shotgun is a common answer, and for good reason. The flexibility to chase everything from birds to bears with a single firearms is unparalleled. While there are many action types and styles of shotguns, the pump-action remains popular given its reliability […]