Hunters and shooters that appreciate classic rifles often lament the decline in walnut and steel guns. It is inarguable that modern CNC manufacturing has led to more accurate rifles. However, the hand-fitted firearms of old have a special feel in the hand that modern guns often lack. A prime example and arguably best pump shotgun ever made is the Winchester Model 12.
The Model 12 was first introduced as the Model 1912 in, you guessed it, 1912. It was an improvement over John Browning‘s 1897 design, moving to an internal hammer and a bolt completely contained by the receiver. The venerable Model 12 saw use in both world wars, Korea, and Vietnam over the course of its production run.
Ultimately, Winchester produced the Model 12 until the infamous cost cuts of 1964, where the Model 12 was discontinued. The eventual demise of the Model 12 had nothing to do with function. Instead, Winchester simply could not compete with the Remington 870‘s pricing as the Model 12 was an expensive gun to produce, using almost entirely hand fit milled parts.
Next, let’s take a look at the the features of the Model 12. For anyone used to handling a modern pump shotgun, the layout will be very intuitive. There is a cross-bolt safety in the trigger guard, which houses a relatively crisp shotgun trigger. The pump action is very slick, perhaps slightly more so than a well worn Remington 870. Interestingly, the shotgun also has a few classic quirks which lend character to the design.

One of the unique features of the Model 12 is that they are takedown firearms. By simply rotating a pin on the magazine tube end cap the magazine tube can be pulled forward and the barrel removed via interrupted threads. This makes for a handy package for storing in a pack or tote. Another odd design element is the shell lifter also functions as the magazine stop. This allows for easy unloading without having to cycle rounds through the chamber. Instead, just push the lifter upwards and allow the rounds to come free of the magazine.
Finally, and most famously, the Model 12 design allows for slamfire shooting. This means that if you hold the trigger down while pumping the action, the gun will continue to fire each time the pump goes forward. While not of much practical use, this feature sure is fun when plinking in the woods.
In short, the shotguns are excellent. The trigger’s are crisp and not too heavy. The build quality is exemplary and the actions are smooth and dependable. Additionally, the takedown feature is convenient and the large 6 round tubular magazine provides plenty of capacity for hunting and defensive applications. Model 12’s are very well built, practical firearms.
Another great attribute of the Model 12 at the time of writing is their value. Admittedly, the high grade “Trap” models have gotten quite expensive. However, the common grade Model 12’s are still plentiful on the used market for far below what a comparable quality new built gun would cost. For example, I picked up a 1938 production 16 gauge that was missing a few minor parts for $225 CAD ($160 USD). After parts and repairs it resulted in a premium pump action shotgun for less than $350 CAD.

Candidly, there is very little to complain about with the Model 12, most of which are due to its age. Keep in mind that these common gripes and issues are typically both minor and rare. The barrels may need to be re-timed if it is a particularly old example that has been broken down and reassembled many times. In the event of a parts breakage, new parts may be hard to find as it has been out of production for over 60 years. Because of the take down function, removing the end cap to insert and remove a magazine plug can be slightly more work than a modern design. Finally, the vast majority of Model 12’s will have fixed chokes instead of removable screw in chokes.
In closing, the Winchester Model 12 is an excellent shotgun from the heyday of the pump gun. They are of excellent quality with great actions, unique features, and historical significance. Also, they can still be found at affordable prices far below their level of quality. For the pump gun man who would like to hunt with a firearm that carries a certain panache, the Model 12 is an excellent choice.